Sunday, October 11, 2009

Lazy Sundays... should have been a lazy Sunday but it is not...I had been up pretty late last night hoping Savannah would sleep till 9:30 like she did on Saturday LUCK there she was up at 8 AM...I thought she would go back to sleep but I was wrong! I have been a busy little bee running around cleaning or trying to pick up as Savannah takes out what I just had put away. I was also a little bit of a handy man woman shower kept backing up like literally I would be standing in 5 to 6 inches of water after I was done with a shower and then it wouldn't drain UGH so I took care of that issue today! YAY! I hope it worked! So I am really missing the fall weather I am seeing boots and sweaters and jeans and peacoats and here I am stuck in the 95 + degree weather. Where are you Florida fall I want to wear scarfs and hats! So thats about all we are up to on this not so lazy Sunday! I am off to start my dinner...what you ask is going on the dinner table  couch tonight...CHILI a nice hot bowl of hot chili with cheese and corn muffins. Oh see how I wish it was cold....

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Here we are...

Yes! It is October...I wish it felt a little more like fall in Florida but what and I saying it is not going to be fall until January! October holds some awesome events to come first one the list is Ashley's baby shower and I am excited to see her and her growing belly as well as sarah and jake are flying down from CT. It will be nice to have all the girls back together again and before we know it little miss Crosby will join the world! Then drum roll please SAVANNAH'S FIRST BIRTHDAY! How exciting right!?! She is going to look so adorable in her 1st Birthday ETSY dress! I can not wait till it comes in the mail! WhOO Hoo! Next will be Halloween and I get to dress little miss Savannah up for her second halloween but this one will be much more enjoyable she is going to be a little white kitty cat...I am going to dress up as a black cat or at least that is the plan we will see. Then after that we will be moving into a newer and BIGGER Apt. YAY! I am exciting to get to go home to a new place I need a change.  On a different note I am loving the new job I am learning so much everyday and they are giving me a lot of freedom with projects! I have just finished the first phase of a living room and kitchen remodel! So I am going to head off into the orange sunset and scarpbook land for a while before I got to sleep for the night. For some reason I am very tired...I will leave you with this adorable picture of my Munchi! She matches the blog background and font color!! 

Friday, October 2, 2009

I'm Sorry...

I have been out of touch for some time now! I had to start a new blog due to my other page having major issues! Now we are NEW and all set up!! 
*Lots and lots to tell you about. My sweet not so little Savannah is WALKING away and she will soon be turning the BIG 1!! I can not believe just almost a year ago I was sitting here blogging away with her inside my little bitty  belly (haha how I wish)!! 
*I have to say we have had a pretty good summer...if you look about I am sure you will notice Savannah has had some fun to ^^^ umm...can you see the PINK hair dye!! We took many trips back to New Jersey to visit mom-mom and pop-pop as well as her aunt em and uncle dylan! We also had some fun times in VA this summer. I was in Sara and Jakes wedding which it was everything I thought it would be just perfect! They are the cutest couple ever...I only hope to one day have something like they do! :o) I miss them much! Well..before this gets to be to long I will leave you with this one photo of my sweet, walking, talking, tantrum throwing (yes already), chubby cheeked baby girl!